Today, My PEopLE stand up in arms, making the best of their situation. I think, and I feel, if we only had “different” information we would move differently, and do things very differently. We would respond differently to certain situations that seem to preclude us from certain exposures. Not all of us are, though, but quite enough of us have been excluded.
Actually, to say the least, I know things would be different if we moved different. I know we would have such a great impact on the WORLD that it would be absolutely undeniable.
I mean, just take a look at where My PEopLE influence the world right now. Look at how we already influence the world in various ways, by far, and by subtleties.
And because of the sheer nature of My PEopLE, if we were to ever truly get it in our heads to really reach beyond what’s perceived to be “our circumstance”. That, because of our pure nature alone, we would naturally take over. We would naturally dominate and influence.
My PEopLE are undoubtedly the most influential people on the face of this earth. And you don’t even have to look hard to see how.
So it’s clear, now’s the time for My PEopLE to get exactly what it is they want.
“True, to you.”